Transforming Darkness into Light 🌑✨

Shadow work might seem like a dark spiritual practice or a process involving negative or malevolent aspects of our personality.

Let me explain why this is not true. 😊

We are born whole, but this wholeness is short-lived because as children, we rely heavily on our relationships with others. 👶❤️

Our families, trying to fit us into society's expectations, often unintentionally cause issues.

These experiences teach us that some aspects of ourselves are acceptable and others are not. 🤔

What is considered acceptable or unacceptable depends on the perspective of the family we are born into.

To survive, we do everything possible to disown, deny, and suppress those aspects of ourselves that are not approved of while exaggerating those that are approved of. 💔

We dissociate from what we disapprove of, creating a split within ourselves, known as the conscious and subconscious. 🧠

This instinct of self-preservation to divide ourselves is our first act of self-rejection. 😢

Years ago, the revolutionary psychologist Carl Jung, studying with Freud, noticed that people had conscious and subconscious aspects. 🕵️‍♂️

This means that a person has aspects of themselves they are aware of and aspects they are completely unaware of.

When something is unconscious, we cannot see it.

We are unaware of it, just like something in a dark room. 🌑

It is what we don't know that we don't know.

Consciousness has long been referred to as light. 💡

To become aware of something, you must see it, just as you see something illuminated by light.

Thus, the human shadow is any aspect of a person not exposed to the light of their consciousness.

The reason the human shadow contains mainly negative things is that most of us tend to deny, suppress, disown, and reject aspects of ourselves that we feel are negative. 😔

One of the greatest misconceptions about shadow work is that it only contains negatives.

Although we are more likely to suppress jealousy than a particular talent, the human shadow often contains positive aspects that are disowned or rejected. 🌟

This is especially true for people who struggle with shame and low self-esteem. 😥

For example, a girl born with a clear sense of self, who knows what she likes and dislikes and expresses her opinions, might suppress these traits if born into a family that believes girls should be seen and not heard. To gain love, she will deny that aspect of herself. As an adult, she might be sweet, quiet, and obedient, living a painful life because she has exiled a part of herself. She is divided. If she works with someone to uncover her subconscious feelings, she might recover her confidence and assertiveness, creating a more fulfilling life. 💪🌸

Conversely, a child who feels anger but is shamed and punished for it will try to disown that anger. As an adult, this person might be unaware of their anger, considering themselves accommodating. If they work to uncover their subconscious feelings, they might discover their anger, which has been expressed in passive-aggressive ways. Facing this anger directly can lead to healthier relationships. 💼💖

When we deny, suppress, or disown something, it does not disappear; it simply vanishes from our conscious awareness.

This is why we often do things we do not understand.

We are adults with conscious minds, yet we continue to fall into the same patterns because of our shadow. 🔄

The main reason people resist shadow work is that recognizing suppressed aspects brings back the original pain of rejection.

This triggers survival mechanisms, making us feel as if we are about to die.

Self-awareness is not easy because it feels like facing the original rejection again.

Every human who has been socialized has divided into conscious and subconscious parts.

This self-rejection is the birth of self-hatred. The emptiness we feel is the residue of those aspects of ourselves we have lost.

However, the fractured self seeks to reunite. We will be presented with opportunities to see the aspects of ourselves we have rejected and denied.

We cannot run or hide from our shadow; it will continue to chase us until we face it. 🏃‍♂️💭

Shadow work is about becoming consciously aware of what has become unconscious. Despite its controversy, especially in communities that focus positively, shadow work is essential.

Self-awareness is the key to a consciously aware and free life. Shadow work involves making the subconscious conscious. The more aware you are of your shadow, the more you are embodied as a conscious being.

No one reaches enlightenment without confronting their shadow and exposing it to the light of consciousness. 🌟

Ultimately, shadow work is about bringing attention and love to the aspects of yourself that have been rejected.

In fact, shadow work is the highest form of light work we can do. 💖✨

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