Become More Resilient: Fight Chaos with Conscious Breathing🌬

Many of us fall into the trap of rapid breathing 🌪, which for many in today's world represents the edge of the cliff towards rising stress levels 🔺.

It's crucial to our resilience, here's why it's important:

Consciously slow down your breathing rate 💨.

Breathing, fundamental and often unnoticed mainly because it is automatic, allows us to navigate the numerous demands of life and the incessant flow of information 📱, without forgetting to "breathe".

However, the intensity of the modern world keeps us constantly “busy” 🏃‍♂️, pushing us towards a stress epidemic with serious consequences on health 🚑 and mental well-being 😔.

The link between stress and breathing 💔 manifests itself as accelerated and irregular breathing 😤, restricted vision 👀, increased alertness 🚨, and increased blood glucose levels 📈.

Although these reactions were vital to the survival of our ancestors, chronic activation of our sympathetic nervous system today leads to numerous health problems, harmful habits, and emotional instability 🌀.

A light of hope 🌟 lights up knowing that we possess the means to consciously influence our autonomic nervous system. Breathing offers direct and powerful access to do this ✨.

Andrew Huberman , neuroscientist and my favorite podcaster, discusses the specific breathing technique, known as the " physiological sigh " or cyclic sigh 🍃, which has been shown to be more effective than the Navy Seals ' technique in reducing stress, improving mood, and lowering breathing rates with just five minutes of daily practice ⏳.

Physiological sighing , also known as cyclic breathing, has been shown to be more effective than mindfulness meditation.

That's why I incorporate it into my sessions 🌟

This technique emphasizes prolonged exhalations, offering a practical and accessible approach to managing daily stress and increasing your resilience.

*** Dedicate five minutes a day to this practice: inhale deeply, hold your breath briefly, then exhale slowly, focusing your attention on each phase of the breath.

This simple exercise can significantly improve your well-being, reducing stress and increasing inner calm .

Take a moment each day to practice cyclical breathing and you will notice the benefits to your mental and emotional health.

The challenge of recognition 🤔.

However, it can be difficult to recognize the right time to practice these techniques.

The importance of mindfulness: Mindfulness, understood as awareness and full attention to the present moment, beyond the specific practice of mindfulness meditation. 🌿.

Developing the ability to be present and aware of our thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations is crucial to using these breathing techniques effectively. Mindfulness requires practice and intentionality , like developing physical strength 💪 or learning a new language 📚.

Through the conscious practice of breathing and the cultivation of mindfulness , we can transform chaos into calm , one breath at a time 🍃✨

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